My services are about YOU and helping you when you....

  • are standing at a crossroad and don’t know which way to go
  • need clarity and direction on a specific area in your life, eg. relationships, career, business, finances, etc.
  • want to see what is manifested for the future
  • want to connect to your Guides and/or loved ones on the other side
  • you have been through a traumatic or stressful experience and need healing
  • you hold limiting beliefs about yourself and others; keeping you stuck and repeating the same experiences in life
  • you feel you have lost your sense of self; going through a separation, divorce or break-up.
  • feel stuck, unable to move forward because of issues/blocks that are holding you back

Solve your problems from WITHIN with Babetza Lennox, Psychic Medium, Healer & Consciousness Creator

Hi, I am Babetza Lennox, Psychic Medium and Healer. My practice is based in Vierlanden, Durbanville, Cape Town.

Being passionate about healing and experiencing how through my ability as a psychic medium and healer I can help others, I’ve made it my life purpose to work with clients to deliver accurate guidance, facilitate transformation and healing in a safe environment.

With my connection to Spirit I am able to provide you with accurate Psychic Readings and future predictions that covers those aspects of your life where guidance is most needed:

  • in order for you to move forward in a positive way, and
  • feel empowered and confident about yourself and your future.

During our time together my focus is on your individual experiences and current reality; therefore each session is non-prescriptive and individually tailored – providing you with insight and answers that make sense to you.

I would love to connect with you in-person, telephonic or via email to help you find the guidance and healing you seek.

If you think the cause of your problems are ‘out there’ you’ll try to solve it from the outside.

Take the shortcut:

Solve it from WITHIN

About Babetza

I am a full-time psychic medium in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town as well as a healer. I have built a solid reputation on the quality and spot-on information I provide my clients with.
I’ve completed various courses in both crystal healing and intuitive development.

My Services

During our time together my focus is on your individual experiences and reality, therefore, each session is non-prescriptive and individually tailored. This will provide you with insight and answers that make sense to you.
My intention is to create a safe, sacred, non-judgemental and confidential space to assist you with the spiritual guidance I receive from your Guides and the Spirit World resulting in reconnection with your authentic spirituality and inner wholeness. Afterward, you will be able to transform obstacles and you will live a more meaningful life.
I can help you with spiritual guidance and counseling through the following services:

What I do


Journey Within

Full Psychic Reading

Guidance on your best way forward.

R1 500.00 (60-minutes)

In-person, Telephonically, Online, WhatsApp Video Call, Skype, Zoom.

Crystal / Energy Healing

Align your Chakras

R1 250.00 (60-minutes)

Please note that distant healing is as effective as being there in person. Can be done in person or through distant healing.

Cord Cutting

Cutting Negative Energy Ties.

R1 250.00 (60-minutes)

In-person, Telephonically, Online, WhatsApp Video Call, Skype, Zoom.

Transformational Therapy

Transform your life.

R1 250.00 single (60-minutes)
R1 600.00 couple (60-minutes)

In-person, Telephonically, Online, WhatsApp Video Call, Skype, Zoom.

Personalized Elixirs / Alternative Healing

Amazing holistic products for both adults and children to use.

R1 250.00 each

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Contact Me

– Psychic in Cape Town, Babetza Lennox. Contact me for Cord Cutting, Psychic Readings (also known as Tarot Card Readings). I am also available for Energy Healing through Crystal Healing. Other services also include Transformational Therapy which leads to Emotional Healing as well as the creation of Personalized Elixirs. 

Find me on Google Maps